Returns the sum of this number and the given one.
Returns the denominator of the number
Returns the result of the division of this number by the given one.
Returns true if the current number is greater than or equal to the provided number
Returns true if the current number is greater than the provided number
Returns the inverse of the number.
Returns true if the current number is equal to the provided number
Returns true if the current number is less than or equal to the provided number
Returns true if the current number is less than the provided number
Returns the product of this number and the given one.
Returns the number with inverted sign.
Returns the numerator of the number
Returns the sign of the current value (-1 or 0 or 1)
Returns the difference of this number and the given one.
Converts the number to a floating-point number
Converts the number to an integer
Converts current value to a JavaScript number
Converts the number to string
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Returns the absolute value of this number.